700 READERS!! THANKS SO MUCH!! you guys are incredible!
btw; i know I haven't updated in a while and I'm really sorry;/ I have exams and stuff this and next week so I won't have time to write and the first one starts on wednesday.. But I PROMISE I'm gonna write another chapter tomorrow! LOVE YA'LL! <3
I will not update this week cause im really busy! im so so so sorry! i promise i'll update! but right now I'm crying because 1D is coming to Norway(where I live) and I didn't get tickets:'(((( me and my directioner friends have been crying all day at school! It's so unfair!! btw; I will update soon! Promise;) xx
Sorry for no update from me this days. I've been on camping with my class and it was AWESOME:DD Anyways, I will update tomorrow and not today because my foot hurt and my back:S So I love you<3