
It's been a year, huh? Welp, time sure flies fast I guess.
          	Hi everyone. Author here.
          	During the year, I noticed how Became a Furry popularity didn't quite go down, which... made me question your taste. I don't need to explain it again why my first book is cringy. I'm not even brave enough to re-read it, but that's beside the point.
          	Since many people still care about my first book, as some kind of gift I'll add a few things. No, it's not a new chapter of continuation, but something similar.
          	First, I'll re-post some chapters from arc 3 that I deleted before. As you know, I removed the entire arc 3 because I want to make arc 2 ending to be the end of the book to avoid cliffhangers. (Even though the ending is already a cliffhanger itself)
          	Second, I'll post the edited version of side stories that I wrote before. Those side stories take place in arc 4. You might think that it was awkward to have arc 4 content when the third arc was not even finished, but before you complain you need to let me finish.
          	Third, and as the main course, I'll post the entire summary of arc 3, 4, and a part of 5. This way you can know the continuation of the story without being hanged by the cliff.
          	Okay, that is all from me and I'll see you next year. Good night.


It's been a year, huh? Welp, time sure flies fast I guess.
          Hi everyone. Author here.
          During the year, I noticed how Became a Furry popularity didn't quite go down, which... made me question your taste. I don't need to explain it again why my first book is cringy. I'm not even brave enough to re-read it, but that's beside the point.
          Since many people still care about my first book, as some kind of gift I'll add a few things. No, it's not a new chapter of continuation, but something similar.
          First, I'll re-post some chapters from arc 3 that I deleted before. As you know, I removed the entire arc 3 because I want to make arc 2 ending to be the end of the book to avoid cliffhangers. (Even though the ending is already a cliffhanger itself)
          Second, I'll post the edited version of side stories that I wrote before. Those side stories take place in arc 4. You might think that it was awkward to have arc 4 content when the third arc was not even finished, but before you complain you need to let me finish.
          Third, and as the main course, I'll post the entire summary of arc 3, 4, and a part of 5. This way you can know the continuation of the story without being hanged by the cliff.
          Okay, that is all from me and I'll see you next year. Good night.


Hello, author here.
          Sorry not sorry for the long absent. I probably will still continue to absent for months and post an update occasionally if I'm at it. I don't want to give many excuses like problem irl or etc, because honestly, there is none. You can just say that I'm too lazy.
          Became a Furry is officially dropped. Even with the cliffhanger ending, I think the two arcs already make it own nice story. Not my proudest work despite it popularity honestly. Will consider to continue it if I have energy to rewrite it.
          I'm still working at Another Furry. Sorry if the update is slow. I'm just being lazy.
          Well, since I'm being absent for too long as a compensation I will post an original oneshot that I made in high school. Just make sure to carefully read the tags. Cya. _(:зゝ∠)_


@sanariasepher17 Nooooo, Became a Furry was soo good, why you gotta break my heart like that 


@sanariasepher17 Been a while... when you gonna be coming back? .3.


@ChrisLovesFNAF  if you get it, I'll be sure to read it. ÙwÚ
            Ahh, my mind will be preoccupied with possibilities for a while. Hit me up if anyone knows a good (furry) read.


Hello there! I just found your book and I enjoy reading it. Do you have instagram or facebook? I would love to follow your social media if you don't mind, thanks!


@delightedheart98 Thank you. I have Facebook, although I rarely use it. I already add it on my bio, so you can check it .


Your stories are so amazing, but one thing im thinking about is, is "Became a Furry" finished or are you still planning to continue it? i really like the story very much that i want to know if that's the end.


@sanariasepher17 i see, thanks for letting me know! and take your time ^-^


@nyctophile_axo Sorry for the very late reply. Yes, it still to be continue, but it may take a while to continue because I'm still working on other things.


Hello, author here. Been a long time since I made a long announcement like this, but I feel like I need to do this.
          So, I decided to take down my first book, Became a Furry because it's too cringe. Just kidding. Only the second half of the first sentence is correct. You see, when I wrote the first book I just wrote it without planning, cause yeah, I didn't even planning to publish it in the first place. That's why the book was rewritten once to avoid inconsistent for the later chapters. But then, as time passed, I realized how unrealistic the story become. Set aside how the genre suddenly changed, the whole hacking and hacker online group sounds dumb. I mean, how can hackers blatantly forming a online group in real life?
          Oh wait, there is many irl. I forgot that I use one as a reference, lol. But perhaps I should make research about them before I use it. I don't want to hear comments like "that's not how hacking works", "ugh, reading the h-word already makes me cringe", "ew, furry? cringe", "hacker=cringe; furry=cringe; furry hacker=ultimate cringe", or even "author is a furry, period".
          That is a part of the reason of the long hiatus. The second reason is that I accidentally make the third arc plot complicated. Too complicated that I haven't even finish the framework yet.
          Third, I'm too comfortable with my third book—the spin-off—that I even want to finish it before anything else. The plot is simpler—just gays being gays—, the writing is more refining, more interesting, more solid, more cats(I like cats), and the framework of the plot is already formed.
          The last one, I'm stuck at Bronte backstory. He is kinda like a puching bag character, and making him having a character development somehow piss me off for some reason.
          So that's it folks. I might update BaF after I managed to finish his backstory, but pass that, well, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
          Or I might as well take down the whole third arc and re-published it after I fix that damn plot.


I was wondering something, did you delete the chapter about their meet up because I can’t find it and that chapter was one of my favorites. But also I wanted to say how much I love “Became a Furry”. I loved how it made my heart beat with anticipation. Like what’s going to happen next and stuff like that.  So thank you so much for writing it even tho you thought It wasn’t that good, I really thought it was amazing. 


In a nutshell, this is just my excuses for being lazy.
            Also, for the second book, it's actually not complete yet, but at this point I don't want to open it. I don't even know how I managed to write something that dark. (Don't worry, it's still cannon)