
Hi,I just want to say that I really loved your story especially my favorite zeesaint story child of fire. If you don't mind please write a new zeesaint story like musical and romantic. Like Saint becomes famous with Joss Wayar's help from the Empire entertainment company as a talented artist and successful star like singer,dancer,model and a beauty pageant title holder after his former friend Zee and his family members insults him and his family members. However problems arise when Zee apologizes to him and tries to win his heart.


Hi I really love your story how to Lose a Guy in XX Days so I wonder if you will update it.
          I also follow you on your AO3 account.
          Please update soon because I'm litteraly dying 


@ Emi5liel  good luck 


@Emi5liel I'm sorry  I swear I'm working on it. Just have a lot of work and I get distracted on Twitter  but I'm working on it  apologies for the delayed update 


Hi there just wondering when will you update how to lose a guy in ten days? I really want to know what will happen next :)


@KillerRain hello. I don't have a definite date yet. I'm still writing the next chapter  thank you for liking the story so far 