
Gentlefolk, it has been far too long. Over a year has passed since I last spoke to you. I am happy to report that I am going to finish a few things I should have finished long ago. Firstly, I am determined to bring a close to my most famous story "In Defense Against Despair". True to my word, it is going to be the first part of a trilogy, but I cannot guarantee a set time for the start of the second piece. I will do my best. There are other stories I intend to write on and hopefully finish but this is the first. Until I see you all again, 
          	I remain your obedient servant,


Gentlefolk, it has been far too long. Over a year has passed since I last spoke to you. I am happy to report that I am going to finish a few things I should have finished long ago. Firstly, I am determined to bring a close to my most famous story "In Defense Against Despair". True to my word, it is going to be the first part of a trilogy, but I cannot guarantee a set time for the start of the second piece. I will do my best. There are other stories I intend to write on and hopefully finish but this is the first. Until I see you all again, 
          I remain your obedient servant,


G'day everyone, quick announcement. So, for those of you who read them and are excited for more, I am currently working on a chapter for a couple of my stories!
          Let's start with In Defense Against Despair. This will be its last chapter. DO NOT PANIC! There will be a sequel. However, that is the reason it has taken so long. This is the last chapter of a book and I want it to be pure amazing! It will be longer, so pleeeeaaase be patient with me.
          Then, currently, I am working on a chapter for A Hope Long Forgotten. Due to the new Ratchet and Clank coming out, this fanfiction suddenly seems obsolete with the female lombax appearing. Especially since she looks a lot like the one I dreamed up for the story. That isn't going to deter me though. I fully intend to continue the story despite whatever direction the games take us. I hope you guys are excited to see it continue!
          That's all I have for now folks but I just wanted to give you an update. And, if there is a story tou want to see get a new chapter, send me your chapter request here on the message board or via PM. Thank you all, amiki, and I bid you all a fond farfarren.


G'day everyone, Sandheartshipper here, as I hope you can all see. I just want to let you guys know that I am in an unprecedented state of boredom and have begun focusing on my stories again. COVID-19 has not got to me and I am well.
             Now, to you guys. I am not about to tell you guys to stay indoors and protect yourselves as you have all heard it millions of times by now. Instead I want to say find something to watch or read. I know you are bored and need a pastime, so try a new franchise! If you are struggling, feel free to message me and I will happily try to suggest something.


Hi! WHen you have the time, can you update My Eyes, Your Legs?


@beetlemaniac Odd you should mention that as it is one of the stories I've been thinking of lately. Keep close attention.


Hey, everybody. I have an idea. It has to do with my account. Calm down, I'm not deleting it. I was thinking about creating a proverbial "smurf account." I really wanted to do Godzilla stories but I want to dedicate a lot to it. Would you all be ok with me creating this "smurf account?"


JUST KIDDING you don’t have to do anything. Besides, another account is good that way you can make stories that go way off topic with the idea of this one


@sandheartshipper good. I have a small list *hands you a giant list


Well, this doof has gotten himself invested in a relatively new anime based off of a long running manga. Yessir, mon amis, I have become deeply interested in Beastars! If you have never heard of this show I highly recommend it. I have not read the manga but the anime is interesting as it is. If you guys ever get the chance, definitely check it out!