
this message may be offensive
i know i haven’t been active on here in ages. 
          	but i just wanted to let y’all know that i’m writing a lot of like original stuff that’s been in publications and it’s been really cool to see my writing grow from how i started on here. 
          	so i just wanted to say thank you to anyone who has ever read my stuff, no matter when you came across this page, your reads and support (even as i delete shit) has literally meant the world. 
          	thanks again. 


this message may be offensive
i know i haven’t been active on here in ages. 
          but i just wanted to let y’all know that i’m writing a lot of like original stuff that’s been in publications and it’s been really cool to see my writing grow from how i started on here. 
          so i just wanted to say thank you to anyone who has ever read my stuff, no matter when you came across this page, your reads and support (even as i delete shit) has literally meant the world. 
          thanks again. 


the way i came back just to finish bad habits kdmzk /nm tbh i kind of expected it would be gone but ! this is my very awkward way of reminding you once again that the hold all of your fics have on me is insane <3


lmaoo i’m glad to hear that but i also feel bad! it had a special place in my heart too ): @HIRAIH3NTAI 


oh damn i just realized i haven't really got to finish reading witchcraft on his lips because it was ongoing at that time back in 2019 and things went busy and i didn't saw the updates and now i just realized everything .... it is such a good story !! will be reading it back soon :)) probs from the start because i kinda forgot everything-


hey y’all, it’s been a while. 
          i just wanted to come on and say a quick happy pride month! you are all so loved and valid ♡ 
          i also wanted to note (if anyone is interested) that i haven’t stopped writing, it’s just been very hard for me to finish anything and/or find time to work these past few months. this past semester in school was draining to say the least. i don’t plan on quitting writing any time soon so you might see new work from time to time but i’m going to be a lot more casual about it. i’ll be posting finished work for fun but i likely won’t be interacting much on this app outside of that. 
          i’ll be on AO3 more so if you’re at all interested you can find me there. 
          hope you’re all well, good luck to anyone who still has finals to take! ♡ 


choose one: 
          triumphant end with lots of angst. ‘we won but at what cost?’ kind of vibe.
          the main characters have some tricks up their sleeves and evade death, proving their crew is not to be messed with. 
          — pirates au 


either way prepare for me to cry in your comments section djej


i find the first ending more unexpected / interesting since we're so used to happy endings BUT i can not for the life of me take angst so i will go w the second option


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