
Kapitel 4 “Diazepam” von Backstage mit der Crew ENDLICH draussen lol. 


Hello can we have a conversation 


@ivrystyl so can we talk on other platform like Instagram or discord 


Hey guys! I decided to split “Thoughts turned Words” into two separate books. The second one is called “Poetic Mess” and will be continued for an unknown amount of time. 
          I started “Thoughts turned Words” as an outlet for my feelings and thoughts a few years ago. That’s why some of the poems are not very good. I don’t want that to be the first thing people read when they decide to give my collection a try. So I separated the old and new works into two different pieces. 
          For now, only poems that were in TtW are in PM, but new ones will be added soon.
          Thank you so much for all your support! 


I'm thinking of posting some nsfw (not smut or something, just pretty vulgar language) stuff in Thoughts turned Words because I wrote some good chapters but I'm not sure... It's not like any of my SuPpOrTiVe friends read anything I write so f- y'all. Thanks to Gisele though, you're a real one!


@GiseleMullins wattpad wouldn’t let me log in nor change my password for WEEKS… Smh. Anyway. Thank you for your sweet words!! And yes, sounds like you were lucky. I’m young and I know there’s so many more men than those I have met but it seems that the “good ones” just don’t wanna be found. At least not in my age bracket. 


@saninorabahng I didn't receive the notifications qkshfs
            anyways, I like the new chapters honestly, it's not my genre but it's definitely enjoyable. I don't know love between young adults nowadays but I think it's still the same compared to before (aka only a decade ago). I remember meeting a huge sweetheart who confessed to me years ago but I didn't see him that way ; but he was the most gentle man I have ever met, contrary to the ones my friends keep running into… (the ones you're depicting actually) 
            well maybe I was just a lucky girl.


Crazy how when I made this account so many years ago all I wrote about was crushes on boys, high school drama and cute silly things and now I write about sex. Also love how I can literally write anything I want here because no one will read it lol


          I read your book and I noticed that your writings are quite relatable or you can say it's quite similar the way of conveying feelings is similar to mine. I would love if you just check out my book once. The name of the book is Deep Emotions. Do support if you like my work. 


            Thank you! I will definitely check out your book :))
            Have a great day <3