
Wow it's been a long time


Also I'm not going to keep writing my Book "Story of Her" the story of Aphmau I myself as the author did not like it while reading it earlier right know and also I think I need a break of AARMAU because Aphmau herself is already on the boat
          and the whole Aphmau thing ill think of making another story of her but now that I have this account I don't know what to do with it maybe some BTS For Non Army it means Bangtan Boys their a South Korean Boy Band who make meaning full lyrics soo.. Maybe i'll start making a FanFiction of my Bias (aka the one I admire the most) JIMIN Little Mochi Chimchim soo yeah I'm BTS trash XD


how did you know what Bts trash is? also theres more too it just search it up "BTS TRASH"


@Lizz_TDG she is really BTS trash if you seen her twitter account 


IM ALIVE!!!!! I know its been over a year and most of you won't even see this but I have a Reason!!! PLZ don't kill me XD soo...okay I'm going to give it strait My phone the charging thing at the end of the phone for some unknown reason BROKE!! so yeah and that's why I stopped and forgot my password.."So how did you log in now?" someone asks WELL I am writing from my laptop you see I logged in my computer to write chapters too and well since I didn't remember that my laptop was logged in until NOW because I was fiddiling around Sowwy also shout out to @JAMtherabbitgirl 
           hey I'm alive dude




@JAMtherabbitgirl ik soo tomorrow is the 15th party are you really going to come or am I going to have to feend for my self XD


@Lizz_TDG Yay !!! :D but i already knew you were alive ._. XD


Hey, I'd like to say that, if you ever need someone to rant to, to get advice from or just to be friends with, you can PM me. I'm usually online. I'm also sorry that you feel as if you have no purpose, because everyone does. It could be to make someone else happy, to help someone to understand something, to help others in tough times or just being here for someone. 
          Look, I don't know you personally. But I want to at least try to help you feel better about yourself.
          If you don't want to take up my offer, it's fine by me. Just get someone to help, so that you're not alone in this "battle". 
          Hope you feel better soon!