
all fanfics will be moved to my A03: sannwrites0


I feel so bad cause I completely scrapped my last chapter and Im re-writing it, and I just posted a new one and I know some of yall have been waiting. Thankyu so much for your patience. Also some of yall have been asking about what happened to my Levi fan fics, well, Im bringing back city drama with all of its original chapters and some new ones to update it with. The other story I ended up eating and lost interest to keep writing for.


I apologix=ze for the last two announcements. So here's a  more thorough update.
          I change the title of that place I like to "Mission )" I like the name better; also, I'm making this story an original that will potentially become a manga in the future. I'm getting my OCs together. I'm just using AOT characters to fill in those characters since it's more accessible right now. That probably made no sense, but it'll come clear as time proceeds. I will be doing the same for my A03 account (@urempresscard). Well, that is all for me! Thanks again for your endless support, and sorry for being gone so long.