
Idk what I want to call my poetry book... I have the poems, just not a title for the book itself 


Sometimes I feel like I should give up on writing...


@AmethystAmber87 I’m sorry I’m just now seeing this lol but thank you so much I needed that 


@sincerelysanora I understand the sentiment. I've been visited by the notion many times on my writing journey. I usually take a break, read something or go explore nature (can't do that now, though).  
            I just read your words and you have a captivating tone and effortless flow of words.  You have a wonderful talent.


@sincerelysanora i get how you're feeling maybe take a break and then come back


One thing I should never be ashamed of is standing up for myself. I let things ride for so long and never speak up, but that changes. I had a breakthrough yesterday and enough was enough. I may pissed people off for what I did, but one thing I will not do is apologize for me finally speaking up and standing for what I believe in.