
          (discreetly  places  sunflower  in  your  home.) 


            bernadette  halts  mid—step,  golden  eyes  locking  onto  the  sunflower  like  it's  a  crime  scene.  bright  and  audacious  in  the  middle  of  her  otherwise  meticulously  controlled  space.  it  wasn't  there  before.  she's  certain  of  it.  sure,  she  could  have  auditory  hallucinations,  sometimes  visual  ones   ⸺   especially  on  the  brink  of  psychosis.  but  she's  not  experiencing  anything  negative  right  now.  so  this  definitely  means  …  the  flower  is  real.
            her  fingers  twitch  at  her  side  before  she  reaches  out,  barely  brushing  the  edge  of  a  petal.  it  bends  under  her  touch,  then  springs  back.
            alice  wouldn't  have  brought  this  in  here.  that  much  is  obvious.  if  that  girl  had  a  sunflower,  she'd  be  parading  it  around  and  chattering  about  how  she  found  it.  no,  this  isn't  her  doing.  this  is  deliberate.
            which  could  only  mean  one  person:  per͟c͟i͟v͟al.
            she  glances  around,  wondering  where  that  man  could  possibly  be  hiding   ⸺   no  easy  feat,  given  his  gargantuan  stature.  ever  since  he  called  it  quits  with  a  certain  blonde,  she  lets  him  crash  in  her  humble  abode  for  …  who  knows  how  long.  what's  one  more  person  in  her  flat,  right .ᐣ
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀perci  …
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @draquIa ﹚


          hey..  you  in  there?  i'm  kind  of  worried.


            for  a  long  moment,  bernadette  just  stays  there,  pressed  against  him,  her  fingers  curled  tightly  into  the  fabric  of  his  coat  once  again.  selfish  and  desperate.  his  hand  in  her  hair  is  instinctive,  effortless   ⸺   so  achingly  familiar  that  it  stirs  something  deep  in  her,  something  she  refuses  to  name. 
            and  then  …  it  hits  her.  just  what  the  hell  is  she  doing .ᐣ 
            the  realization  crashes  into  her  all  at  once,  and  suddenly,  she's  recoiling.  she  pulls  back  so  fast  it's  almost  clumsy,  almost  like  she's  burned,  arms  snapping  to  her  sides  as  if  she  never  touched  him  in  the  first  place.  god,  she  feels  like  an  idiot.  she  finds  it  a  little  difficult  to  meet  his  gaze  now. 
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀so  …  you  left  her. 
            she  tries  to  divert  the  attention  away  from  herself,  steering  the  conversation  toward  a  different  topic  in  hopes  of  easing  the  tension.  besides,  she's  curious  about  it  too. 
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀what's  next .ᐣ   i  mean,  you
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ walked  away  but  do  you
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ even  know  where  you're
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ headed .ᐣ 
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @draquIa ﹚


            the  sudden  embrace  nearly  knocks  the  air  out  of  percival.  for  such  a  small  woman,  bernadette's  quite  strong.  her  arms  secured  around  his  torso  like  a  koala  hugging  a  tree.  it  makes  his  heart  miss  several  beats,  gives  him  a  funny  feeling  in  his  stomach  he  thinks  he's  only  ever  felt  with  genevieve   ────   or  perhaps  this  was  an  entirely  new  feeling?  whereas  genevieve  was  a  mere  object  of  percival's  desire,  bernadette  was  not.  bernadette  was  familiarity.  bernadette  was  home.
            a  moment  or  two  ensued  before  he  finally  makes  his  move.  how  ironic,  he  thought,  that  she  would  be  the  one  to  initiate  today.  a  faint  smile  ghosting  over  his  lips  as  he  threads  gloved  fingers  through  ginger  locks.  it  came  almost  naturally  to  him  to  do.  everything  he  does  with  bernadette  was  out  of  an  old  habit.
            "i  told  you,  didn't  i?  you  won't  ever  be  alone.  i  won't  allow  it.  i  still  won't."


            the  second  she  hears  goodbye,  something  in  her  snaps.
            bernadette's  body  moves  before  her  mind  can  catch  up,  and  suddenly  she's  lunging  forward,  yanking  the  door  open  so  hard  it  nearly  slams  against  the  wall.  percival  barely  has  time  to  turn  before  she  crashes  into  him,  her  arms  locking  around  his  torso  in  a  desperate,  almost  frantic  embrace.  the  force  of  it  sends  them  stumbling  back  a  step  but  she  doesn't  care.
            god,  she  really  is  a  walking  contradiction.  she's  clutching  at  him  like  she's  afraid  he'll  slip  through  her  fingers.  but  wasn't  she  the  one  who  kept  pushing  him  away  in  the  first  place .ᐣ   wasn't  she  the  one  who  swore  she  didn't  want  to  see  him,  who  had  told  herself  they  were  better  off  without  each  other .ᐣ
            it's  humiliating  …  this  vuln͟e͟r͟a͟b͟ility.  she's  spent  so  long  being  angry,  being  hurt,  trying  to  shove  every  complicated  feeling  into  a  box  and  pretend  it  didn't  exist.  and  yet,  here  she  is.
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀i—   i  don't  know  what  i  want
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ from  you,  perci.  i  don't  know
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ if  i  can  even  look  at  you
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ without⸺   without  wanting  to
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ scream  or⸺   ( … )   just⸺
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ple͟a͟se.  i  don't  want  to  be  alone
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ again.  i'm  so͟r͟ry.
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @draquIa ﹚


⠀⠀⠀⠀funny    bumping    into    you    here.    this    place    doesn't    seem    like    your    kind    of    scene.


            she  didn't  think  she'd  be  running  into  someone  who  would  recognize  her,  let  alone  someone  who  actually  knew  her.  bernadette's  body  tenses  for  a  fleeting  second  upon  hearing  the  familiar  voice.  her  hand  shoots  out,  instinctively  hiding  the  shopping  bag  she  was  holding  behind  her  back  as  she  turns  around  to  face  the  other.  she  flashes  a  smile  at  emily,  albeit  a  little  startled.
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀em,  hi.  life's  …  full  of  surprises,
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ i  guess.
            she  pauses  for  a  moment,  taking  her  time  to  scan  their  surroundings  before  shifting  her  gaze  back  to  her  friend.  instead  of  telling  the  truth,  a  lie  slips  out.  typical  of  her.
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀it  isn't,  really.  just  runnin'  an
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ errand,  y'know .ᐣ
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @fallenanqelics  ﹚


this message may be offensive
⠀⠀⠀⠀if    you're    gonna    lie—-    at    least    come    up    with    something    believable.    you    look    like    shit,    bernie.


            bernadette's  brows  furrow  and  lips  curl  into  a  snarl,  eyes  narrowing  as  she  frantically  runs  her  fingers  through  ginger  locks  of  hair.  she  doesn't  seem  to  be  in  a  good  mood,  that's  for  sure.  and  she's  still  clad  in  the  usual  attire  she  wears  whenever  she's  out  doing  her  job  as  an  assassin.  that  must  mean  something,  right .ᐣ
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀if  you're  gonna  give  me  a  hard
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ time,  at  least  do  it  somewhere
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ else.
            she  snaps,  her  voice  sharp.  after  a  beat,  she  exhales,  her  posture  relaxing  just  a  little  as  she  sinks  into  a  vacant  seat,  slumping  slightly.  she  appears  to  regret  her  outburst,  looking  up  to  meet  emily's  gaze  with  contrition.  but  she  doesn't  voice  out  her  apology.  she  looks  away  almost  immediately.  rather,  she  blurts  out  something  that  definitely  doesn't  belong  in  a  normal  conversation. 
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀i  just  shot  my  sister.
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @fallenanqelics  ﹚


     you should really break your habit of eavesdropping       on those who could end you.


            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀oh,  should  i .ᐣ   maybe  you
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ should  work  on  not  being  so
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ easy  to  overhear.  just  sayin',  if
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ you  don't  want  nobody  to  hear,
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ya  might  wanna  stop  talkin'  so
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ loudly,  my  guy.   ♪
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @dolose ﹚


     how much      more do you think you can hide?


            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀how  much  more  do  i͟  think  i
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ can  hide .ᐣ   you'd  be  surprised .ᐟ
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ there's  plenty  left  you  haven't
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ figured  out.   ♪   but  hey,  keep
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ guessin'.  maybe  you'll  get  lucky. 
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @dolose ﹚


      how much did you drink?


            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀one  hundred  percent  positive.
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ i'm  not  drunk.  would  i  ever  lie
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ to  you,  rurik .ᐣ
            says  the  compulsive  liar,  her  fangs  slightly  showing  as  she  smiles  at  him.  once  in  a  blue  moon,  bernadette  would  make  an  effort  to  be  honest  and  admit  the  truth.  but  that  day  isn't  today.  well,  she  may  be  a  little  tipsy  but  at  least  she's  n͟o͟t  shit—faced  drunk.
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @hyrded  ﹚


ᅠ          rurik lifted an amused brow, turning fully to face her.         “are you certain?” he asked, his voice low and deliberate. “or are you just trying to convince yourself?”


            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀just  a⸺   just  about  half  a
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ bottle  of  wine.  or  more,  i  dunno.
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ( … )   stop  lookin'  at  me  like
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ that.  i'm  n͟o͟t  drunk. 
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @hyrded ﹚


Guess you’re still upset.  We’ve only met once too!


@sanquinarian      *      If that’s how you see it,  then sure.    (Gojo replies,  indifferent to her growing irritation.  Evident in the way his shoulders shrug,  or the way it seemed like he barely was listening to her at all.  In fact,  all he does is stand and wait.  A smile plastered on his lips,  as if he knew everything about the world,  which was the furthest thing that was true.)    Hurrying!    (Sing—song tone cuts through the air like a knife.  Moving forward,  a hand reaching out.  Beyond human capabilities,  normally you wouldn't see the cursed energy that emits from the sorcerer’s palm.  However,  even if you gained some semblance of ability you could see the power emerge.  Grasping at the small,  but mighty curse perched up against her shoulder.  He crushes it with ease,  exorcising it just as quick.)    Oh no,  don’t worry,  I already assumed you’d say thank you!  You’re welcome.  


            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀help  me .ᐣ   what,  like  i'm  some
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ kinda  damsel  in  distress  waiting
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ for  you  to  come  swooping  in
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ and  play  the  hero .ᐣ
            bernadette's  tone  becomes  more  clipped,  hinting  a  sharp  edge  to  her  voice  as  she  retorts.  it  happens  when  she's  clearly  annoyed.  his  rather  insulting  remark  barely  registers,  her  patience  already  worn  thin  from  dealing  with  people  like  him  in  the  past.  she  lets  a  few  seconds  pass  before  rolling  her  eyes  and  waving  a  dismissive  hand.
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀whatever.  just  hurry  up  and
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ do  it.
            she's  not  exactly  sure  what  his  definition  of  a  “curse”  is   ⸺   there's  a  lot  of  ambiguity  in  his  words   ⸺   but  she's  no  stranger  to  the  supernatural,  given  her  nature.  raised  among  things  most  people  would  consider  a  myth,  yes.
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @6THEYES  ﹚


* ₁        @sanquinarian:          I think you’re misunderstanding.    (Gojo would smile down at her,  rather than the blindfold he wore before.  Satoru now had sunglasses instead,  and his blue irises were on display and it was as though he could see entirely through her exterior.  A small laugh escapes,  a hand pressed to the nape of his neck.)    I don’t really care if you do or not about me.  In the end,  you’re just another person.    (The sorcerer would reply,  words cruel although he wore a bright smile while saying it.  This guy was definitely not right in the head!)    There’s just a curse attached to you,  but you can’t see it.  Let me help you,  then I’ll be out of your hair this time.     (Eyes narrow,  then fully close.)


          all  dressed  up  today,  hm?  is  there  a  special  occasion  or  have  you  finally  lost  interest  in  miss  genevieve?


            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀didn't  think  i'd  be  fishin'  for
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ compliments  out  here  all  of  a
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ sudden,  much  less  a  praise
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ comin'  from  you.
            she  playfully  shoots  back.  how  rare  …  she  doesn't  seem  to  be  feisty  tonight.  it's  either  she's  in  a  good  mood  or  she's  just  humoring  him  to  get  this  over  with  as  soon  as  possible.  st͟r͟a͟ys,  she  echoes  the  word  under  her  breath.  obviously,  she's  considered  a  part  of  that  category  under  typical  conditions.  but  she's  going  undercover  for  now;  most  of  her  usual  antics  will  be  kept  at  bay  until  the  party's  over.
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀oh,  i'm  sure  you'll  find  plenty.
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 'specially  in  a  big  place  like  this,
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ lots  of  'em  gather  'round  here.
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @draquIa  ﹚


ah,  aren't  i  unlucky  then?  well,  i'll  give  credit  where  it's  due - —  you  look  lovely  tonight.
            ** bernadette's  question  brought  a  knowing  smile  to  percival's  lips.  his  (unnaturally)  tall  form  bending  down  to  her  height  —  not  in  a  show  of  power,  but  more  so  out  of  force  of  habit  whenever  he  was  with  her.  old  habits  die  hard  after  all. **
            oh  you  know,  just  out..  keeping  a  close  eye  on  strays.
            ⠀。 ⠀╬  ⠀༝༝⠀⠀@sanquinarian 


            she  raises  a  brow,  staring  at  him  like  he's  just  lost  his  mind  for  bringing  up  the  last  part.  in  normal  circumstances,  she  would've  cussed  him  out  already,  called  him  insulting  names  too.  but  instead,  she  turns  her  gaze  away,  scoffing  with  a  shake  of  her  head.  almost  amused.
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀in  your  dreams,  perci.  i  wouldn't
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ give  up  so  easy,  you  know  me  ♪
            a  pause.  she  then  glances  down  for  a  fleeting  second,  taking  a  quick  moment  to  assess  her  attire.  well  …  given  bernadette's  nature,  she  likes  to  dress  pretty.  practicality,  on  the  other  hand,  is  another  issue.  but  it's  only  for  tonight,  that's  all.  she  gives  a  vague  answer,  knowing  percival  would  be  able  to  understand  what  she's  implying.
            ⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀i'm  runnin'  an  errand  for  my
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ boss.  fancy  party  and  all  that
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ shite.  what  about  you .ᐣ   what
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ are  y͟o͟u  doin'  here  all  alone .ᐣ
            ⠀ ┈┈┈┈┈⠀⠀﹙  @draquIa  ﹚