Hey guys im back after my bros birthday I fed a tiger a baby bottle fed Albino Tigers chicken fed a fucking alligator also with chicken also fed a lioness also with chicken and yeah pretty crazy fucking day I BABIED A TIGER LEZ GO!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (I remember a text you sent on one of my announcement type books where you said smth abt today being your birthday, sorry if I got the date wrong!)
Hey guys im back after my bros birthday I fed a tiger a baby bottle fed Albino Tigers chicken fed a fucking alligator also with chicken also fed a lioness also with chicken and yeah pretty crazy fucking day I BABIED A TIGER LEZ GO!!!!!!
Hey you all so I uh lost motivation to live im going to jump off my 4 story school building today at 3:30 in the afternoon see you all up there and @starlight4lif3 your allowed my characters and to all of you keep reading or writing and see you in the afterlife. -Love sanswatcher
Hey guys I just reached 100 followers thank you so much for your help so im gonna make a special one-shot book for this occasion just tell me which fandom should it be?
Murder Drones