
this message may be offensive
Probably will be on later, trying to clear up roleplays that aren’t active /uninteresting or just other shit and upload biographies- ⭐️


need me some more urban roleplays, anyone down?


@MaskedMoonshines for some reason it’s not working , you could try adding me dagger5491


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Been seeing clips of some foreign movie called the Tearsmith, I’m a lil fucked up rn but if anyone’s down to start something like that, hmu I’ll respond during the weekend


[$$.]      i’d be down !! 


Has anyone watched interview with a vampire?
           I feel like a roleplay tying into the supernatural world they created would be so dope .
           one where muse A is a centuries old pure -blood vampire that  creates Muse B to be their soul tie . First it’s all joy and thanks up until the truth comes out about why they needed to create muse B to begin with.