
ateez’s new album is sooo good i’m obsessed !!! 


Hi Zara,
          How are you? I just finished reading your book and I have to say, IT’S A FLIPPING MASTERPIECE like WOW! I was left amazed by how well it was planned. Like the plot dots perfectly connected to one another. Not to mention how well it was written. The grammar was easy to comprehend and the words portrayed a clear message. You are probably one of the few authors I have seen who write thriller/suspense very well.
          Great job, girl!
          I hope you will write new books in the future because I am definitely a fan>33
          Stay blessed and happy^^


@-anoneemous- omg im getting back to this so late, but thank you SO much, I cant tell you how much this means to me!!!! <3333 I'm so glad you enjoyed it