
Hi, if someone's reading my work. uhm, I added a prologue, and I might edit some parts of the chapters that I uploaded. 
          	Also, thanks a lot for reading! and for voting. :))


Hey there!
          Sorry for barging into your conversation board, but I've just finished writing my first ever book and am looking for readers who might be able to read it (and hopefully enjoy) my story, then vote or comment on what they like so I can write better stories! Thank you, I hope you have a great day!


Hey girl! I just wanted to let you know that I’ve seen your message on my board and that I’ve started reading your story. I’ve read the first two chapters of your book. Even if I didn’t understand the dialogue because it wasn’t in English, I still found your story interesting. Would you mind also reading my book? It’s called “Everybody Hates Grey”.
          Take care


Hii, thank you!! I'll read yours too. 


Hi, V4V, my book is titled the daughter of hell season 2 by me and yours?