
A sort of random question but, is it bad to be a quiet person?


Not bad at all. There's a great book about introverted people that can help you understand your mental/social balance. It's called, "Quiet." I highly recommend everyone read it. :-)


I don't think it's necessarily bad, but certain people can view it that way. I've always been a quiet person around others until I get to know them and feel more comfortable. There are those who take someone being quiet as rude and such, but them judging someone for that reason is rude. As long as said someone doesn't let others walk all over them. That's also speaking from experience. I'm rambling now....>.>


A sort of random question but, is it bad to be a quiet person?


Not bad at all. There's a great book about introverted people that can help you understand your mental/social balance. It's called, "Quiet." I highly recommend everyone read it. :-)


I don't think it's necessarily bad, but certain people can view it that way. I've always been a quiet person around others until I get to know them and feel more comfortable. There are those who take someone being quiet as rude and such, but them judging someone for that reason is rude. As long as said someone doesn't let others walk all over them. That's also speaking from experience. I'm rambling now....>.>


*sudden urge to watch Grease*


@EternalZephyr If you ever want to see a video, I can send you the link maybe! It was a wonderful show to be a part of :D 
            and haha IT IS, i love...we all had a dance party backstage whenever that song came on :P


Oooooh, I wish I could have seen it! I happen to love plays and Grease. >.< Haha, Greased Lightning is one of the best songs in the movie. XP


@EternalZephyr Haha :P My school's doing that for their musical, so all the songs are CONSTANTLY stuck in my head :P There's 6 days till opening night, so I'm always singing Greased Lightning or Grease...:P (all the girls and I wish we could be in Greased Lightning :P)
