
"A lesson without pain is meaningless, for you cannot gain something without sacrificing something in return. But once you have overcome it and made it your own... you will gain an irreplaceable full metal heart"
          	                                           - Edward Elric


Hi, Sara! 
          Damn, you and I share so much in common. I love Attack On Titan (Levi is mine btw) and I am currently watching Death Note (*SPOILER ALERT* I'm on the bit where L dies and N replaces him and I am soooo angry cause L is one of a kind and nobody can replace him). You like Hush Hush and The Lunar Chrincles? Hush Hush is my next series to read after I reread The Mortal Instruments and Lunar is in that TBR list too. I love Supernatural! I'm still watching it and because of spoilers, I know that there is someone called Cassiel but I haven't gotten to the bit where we meet him yet. I hope we can talk more on private message. 
          -A xoxo


"A lesson without pain is meaningless, for you cannot gain something without sacrificing something in return. But once you have overcome it and made it your own... you will gain an irreplaceable full metal heart"
                                                     - Edward Elric