
New short story!
          	I wrote this for the current Southwest contest. It’s based on my real experiences when traveling earlier during the pandemic. I have flown Southwest back and forth for college and continue now post-graduation. There are certainly many grand adventures and stories worth telling from these lovely flights. 


New short story!
          I wrote this for the current Southwest contest. It’s based on my real experiences when traveling earlier during the pandemic. I have flown Southwest back and forth for college and continue now post-graduation. There are certainly many grand adventures and stories worth telling from these lovely flights. 


Hi! I'm back! I'm very excited to start a new journey! Stay tuned for my latest Wattpad original, "Among the Stars". I'll be posting chapters as I'm writing it, so you can help decide what happens in the story! This is a Hollywood young adult novel with a touch of romance. Stay tuned!


I am back!
          Last summer, I wrote exclusively on Wattpad, "Things Unsaid". I loved all of the input you guys continued to put with it and I am so thankful for all of the reads and comments! Thus, in my less emotional story, this summer, I am writing another here called "L.A. Confidential". Although it is a work of fiction, it's also a small insight into my life as I start college in the fall. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to write me! Also, I have an ACTUAL PUBLISHED BOOK that is brand new that you should go check out as well.


          I have recently published my first novel! This has been a life goal and your input and inspiration for my Wattpad stories like "Things Unsaid" has greatly inspired "The Enchantress (a Royalty Status novel)" to be a reality!
          You can check it out on and iBooks for hard copies and ebook copies! I also set up an author Twitter, Facebook and Goodreads. 
          Thank you so very much! I look forward to writing more books in the future in publishing and Wattpad!
          Happy Reading!


hey there!
          I am still so happy to say that "Things Unsaid" is done, and it's a tearjerker! I'm so proud of this story, mostly because it's something beyond my usual writing. I do love emotions though, so if you haven't done so already, feel free to read it!
          In addition, I have a ton of wonderful things going on over the next several weeks so that's super exciting! plus, tomorrow is Christmas and it's almost New Years so I just have to say just how wonderful 2014 was. 
          there is always more stories coming soon to wattpad here, so keep posted!
          happy holidays!


Hey! I'm back! Well, sort of. Anyway, I want to apologize for being so busy lately outside of wattpad, but thank you for still reading! Things Unsaid will continue, and I LOVE the feedback! As for now, check back with what's already posted, and feel free to let me know what you think! That would be lovely. I have quite a bit in store for Angie, and I can't wait to share it with you!


I am so sorry for the lack of updates and the short chapter! I'm busy and right in the middle of the story. Yes, I know the end, but i'm just in that awkward section where i'm struggling to get there. Please understand that this is just a slight delay, and the story for Things Unsaid will continue shortly.


Whoah okay hi there. Here's the thing about this site...I love to write, but what I usually write, is totally different to what I post here. This is me going into a much deeper, emotional, and much different writing style. I hope you like them, and please let me know what you think! Oh, and for all you Chasing Life fans, please check out Things Unsaid. Is it sad that I cry while writing it?