Hey everyone! Thank you to everyone who voted for Corrupted! Unfortunately though, I have decided to unpublish it. I have so many ideas for it but not enough hours in the week to publish on a regular basis as I had originally planned. I have decided that I want to write significantly more chapters before republishing. I have also rediscovered two stories that I (once again) had published and then unpublished because I was quite young when I began writing them and there is a rather large amount of editing that needs to be done before those can go up again as well. I have recently caught myself back up in school and have been up till all hours of the night working on these stories. I have so many ideas and plans for all of them that I've just been pouring my heart into writing. My hope is that in the next few weeks here I will have one of the three published. I will say however that I do not believe that it will be Corrupted. Personally, Corrupted has a rather large story line and I just do not believe that I will be satisfied to publish it again for a while. Thank you everyone, stay tuned in the next couple weeks for some teasers!