
Hi all! 
          	I'm in Scotland and vacation with my family and trying to get some writing done! Do y'all want me to write a chapter on the Mikaelsons and Ellie or just skip to when Sarah gets back? Please let me know! 
          	Thanks ❤️


@BlossomOBlessing of course you'll get Sarah coming back, I just didn't have much inspiration for the Ellie chapter and was going to skip it if nobody wanted it. I'll definitely try to finish it and post it in the next few days since I know someone actually wants to read it! 


@sarahwhit11 both if possible but I miss Ellie and the mikaelsons interactions 


heyy girlly it’s been like a minute sinced we talked and everything but how you been ? I miss your story girl and really want to know if it’s discontinued or are you just taking an extended break ? 
          No rush or anything well slightly considering I’ve been waiting for an updated for like 3 years just love the chaotic trio and they say you right your stories… 


Hi all! 
          I'm in Scotland and vacation with my family and trying to get some writing done! Do y'all want me to write a chapter on the Mikaelsons and Ellie or just skip to when Sarah gets back? Please let me know! 
          Thanks ❤️


@BlossomOBlessing of course you'll get Sarah coming back, I just didn't have much inspiration for the Ellie chapter and was going to skip it if nobody wanted it. I'll definitely try to finish it and post it in the next few days since I know someone actually wants to read it! 


@sarahwhit11 both if possible but I miss Ellie and the mikaelsons interactions 


          I'm trying to start writing my story again after a long break due to an insane amount of chaos in my life and I need opinions! 
          Should the story stay a Sarah/Kol story or become a Sarah/Kol/Kai story? Alternatively, should I make Kai gay and have his relationship be with Stefan? 
          All opinions are welcome, but please be respectful! 
          Thanks, love y'all! 


yesss add my lil baby Kai ❤️ 
            oh and author miss you girlll update when you can ;) 


@sarahwhit11 Sarah/kol/Kai I like a chaotic trio


Hey everyone! I'm struggling to make a new cover for my story, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas...I would really appreciate it!!!!!! Hope you're all having a great day!


@sarahwhit11 just message me and tell me what you'd like it to look like and i'd try and make a good one :)


@MarleyElona omg that would be amazing! 


@sarahwhit11 I don't know how I got here and I know this is probably really late, but if you were still looking to change your cover, I'd love to help you out, because I love making photos, that is if you like my editing and stuff cause it ain't the best either hehe