100 followers?! I am so incredibly thankful for each of you. Though 100 may not seem like a lot, it is to me. I thought, at most, maybe 15-20 people would follow me. So thank you
Now for ANOTHER life update: okay, so I recently graduated college (yay)! I'm currently job hunting aka lots of free time. BUT I am also in the process of moving out of my apartment and back in with my parents.
They are currently redoing our house, so we're living in our camper. Unfortunately this means the WIFI sucks and I won't be able to do much. I'm planning on writing ASAP. So that means after I'm moved out of my apartment and back in my house.
Thank you for being patient with me as I transition from college student to full time adult . I might post a new chapter of something I've been working on and have stored away.
Keep an eye out for a new story and follow me on Twitter: @sarak16_ for random stuff.