
@roshkat sa-arox sounds like an avox from Hunger Games! :O why are you imagining my tongue being cut out!!! How very mean! XD LOL but strangely I read it as one word too no matter how many times I consciously correct myself, so it will be saraox as one word instead. Looool @books1 I know right! You guys are giving me all sorts of special meaning hehehe oh this conversation is so very random but I think we agree that that is the beauty of it :D
          	 @kittenluv98 hahaha the odder the better! Gives me something to think about, and I do love a good think! And laugh ofcourse :D


i worry too, but i am now just getting back to the world of the living - although when my kids were fighting i sat them down and told them to make a collaborative alliance, they are all under six, so perhaps we will see her soon, if not we can do some sort of tracking thing. it could include the allure of a thrown and were-things and Damons. whatever works.


i have read this collection of poems that an amazing poet wrote, and thought you would enjoy some of them, well the entire collection that i have read and would love to hear your thoughts on is called Winner (the collection) by Knightwriter, good stuff - and as I said I would love to hear your reactions to it simply from your reactions to similar type things (if you have a chance i think you will not regret it!!) and for all others eaves, er comment, dropping, i know you would enjoy as well ;) not that I am nudging or winking at anyone in particular. *innocently smiling like a crazy lady in the corner, definatly rocking on my heels*


@roshkat sa-arox sounds like an avox from Hunger Games! :O why are you imagining my tongue being cut out!!! How very mean! XD LOL but strangely I read it as one word too no matter how many times I consciously correct myself, so it will be saraox as one word instead. Looool @books1 I know right! You guys are giving me all sorts of special meaning hehehe oh this conversation is so very random but I think we agree that that is the beauty of it :D
           @kittenluv98 hahaha the odder the better! Gives me something to think about, and I do love a good think! And laugh ofcourse :D


@books1 Oh my gosh that made me laugh XD I didn't even see the ox reference in the name as the animal, I feel stupid now! Hahaha but it still does sound pretty badass XD nice redemption work there ;) hehehe sorry for the confusion though, I think you must of just missed the last post I did on the other account explaining what was happening. Well, it was more like a unanimous vote!


Lol I almost did the same thing, with all these name changes gah! But then I was like why Sara ox (like the animal) hahaha, really I didn't get it until I read the comment down there. I think my brain might be a little fried right now. Your explanation is so much cooler but you gotta admit not too many would mess with you if you called yourself ox!! But you guys rock, by any name you smell as sweet ;) (see see I redeem myself for thinking you would call yourself a big hairy animal by referencing you to some hugely -albeit questioningly - romantic stuff). Thanks for the continued support. 


@YourReader lol that would have been awkward! Oh and thanks ;) it has quite a few meanings but u probably guessed the main one. Its just sara (my name) o (for my surname and what some people call me) and x (the name u gave me lool) and yet it seems like sara xoxo looool quite genious if I do say so myself XD