
Assalamualaikum☺️Hope you’re doing great InshaAllah! JazakAllah Khairun for reading my works STH and BD. Hope you liked them InshaAllah☺️❤️


@sarasharma747 Alhumdulillah Alhumdulillah☺️ You’ll love this one for sure InshaAllah☺️awaiting your reviews❤️❤️


@alin958 walaikum salam  I really love reading both of your stories and going for 3rd one her vocation....I also thought to write down message on your conversation box after reading this one....worth reading and praising your work... mashaallah...keep going on May Allah bless you


@Odree1  W Salam ! I just finished reading this story and I love it very much....this story is mind blowing, fabulous one.... while reading it I could feel every emotions and feelings. I'm already attached to this story and now egarly waiting for next update...your writing works are very much appreciated , you put everything in this story every dialogue and sentences very skillfully. Every person descriptions are also eye catching....I almost everything imagined while I reading it....I am not a writer but reader so I don't know how particularly to express the praising for this I'm also a big fan of yours....and desperately waiting for new partkeep doing it...we all are with you for support ☺️