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Thank you so much for reading and voting on my book Severely. Its been a while since i get notified from it ^^ i hope you enjoy your time reading! 


@CharlottesCookie  I was thinking about "Monologue" it has an interesting story. I have the feeling like Hongki is a grim reaper in the MV


@sarinka311 you have finished Severely! thank you soo much for sticking till the end. 
            Yes, I like to make things longer while still focusing on the new theme. Well, i do plan to write smt from an MV but i dont know yet. What FTi's song that you have in mind? 


@CharlottesCookie i like it a lot. I was looking for some FT Island fanfic and even though most of them are based on the MV, I appreciate your creativity to make that story even better. Like most of other fanfics are just one shots and with yours I can live the story a little bit longer. Were you ever thinking about write a new story about FT Island? I need more.


Omlouvám se všem Malec shiperům, ale mám toho teď vážně hodně. Navíc budu asi dva týdny bez počítače a tak se pokusím překládat aspoň na mobilu aby jsem pak mohla něco přidat a nemuseli jste čekat až na to budu mít zase náladu.
          Samozřejmě se pokusím dodržet svůj slib a dopřeložit Sanity is Overrated do konce prázdnin :D
          Děkuju vám za vaši trpělivost ♥