
oh. my. goodness. we have over 2k reads on itm! Thank you so much to everyone who has read. Madeline and I (It's Abby. Hi!) have come up with an idea for itm. Each of us will write our own chapters. Maddie will write a chapter from Rose's point of view and then I will write one from Aly's. We will probably keep the beginning, but from now on I think that we'll do it this way. The next chapter is mine so it will be an Aly chapter! I hope you guys will like the new style. Speaking of new style...I really like Story of My Life. I've always liked One Direction, but their new sound is more my style. I think it displays their talent better than the pop they've done before. I think it's a beautiful song and I absolutely can't wait for the new album! Hope everyone is doing well! I know Maddie and I would love if you guys talked to us about just random stuff. You can follow my personal @theycallmeabs and read my stories and tell me what you think. PLEASE! 
          	xx Abby
          	(P.S. if you're going to the Ed Sheeran concert on Nov. 1 at MSG LET ME KNOW! I'm going!)


oh. my. goodness. we have over 2k reads on itm! Thank you so much to everyone who has read. Madeline and I (It's Abby. Hi!) have come up with an idea for itm. Each of us will write our own chapters. Maddie will write a chapter from Rose's point of view and then I will write one from Aly's. We will probably keep the beginning, but from now on I think that we'll do it this way. The next chapter is mine so it will be an Aly chapter! I hope you guys will like the new style. Speaking of new style...I really like Story of My Life. I've always liked One Direction, but their new sound is more my style. I think it displays their talent better than the pop they've done before. I think it's a beautiful song and I absolutely can't wait for the new album! Hope everyone is doing well! I know Maddie and I would love if you guys talked to us about just random stuff. You can follow my personal @theycallmeabs and read my stories and tell me what you think. PLEASE! 
          xx Abby
          (P.S. if you're going to the Ed Sheeran concert on Nov. 1 at MSG LET ME KNOW! I'm going!)


'ello peeps! Abigail here. Today I have been working on ITM a lot,  but it's still no where near a point of update. It hasn't been my focus for a while, but I'm trying to work on it more. I just want to thank every single person who has been reading it. Maddie and I never dreamed of hitting 100 reads, let alone almost 2,000. You guys are the best! So Maddie and I are starting high school next week so that's going to take a bit of adjustment so I can't promise any updates or anything. I haven't been getting any help lately so I have no clue when you can expect an update. SORRY! In the mean time it would mean the world to me if you guys could go read my other stories on my personal @theycallmeabs. I've been working super hard on them and I would love if you guys could go read them! Thank you so much for all of your support for In the Moment. I think I can speak for both Maddie and I when I say, WE LOVE YOU GUYS! 
          xoxo abs


Hello! I have some sad news :( I..*sigh*... am sad to announce that we will be putting In the Moment on hold. I'm really busy and so is Maddie. I can only do so much, ya know? I currently am not getting any help and my schedule is insane! I only have 17 days left of eighth grade and 2 weeks until my dance recital and my audition for the competition team. So life is CRAY CRAY. Hopefully there will be more time to work on it over the summer after I get back from camp. (which if from 30 June to 6 July, where I will have no access to my lovely electronics) So I'm really sorry. Thank you guys so much for reading and supporting us. I would never had imagined that our story would have 1,221 reads when we started to write this! THANK YOU! I wish I could give every one of you a hug! Ok a weird remix of cups just came on my pandora...before it was a band of old guys singing wmyb.... Today I got my dress for formal! It's from Jack Wills. It's strapless and it's white and pink striped.(i have a weird obsession with stripes ask anyone) I love it so much! Tonight I'm going to see the Great Gatsby with my friend. Has anyone seen it? Is it good? Ok well I better go...but before I do...HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY ALEXANDRA RAISMAN! That is all...
          I love you all sooo much ❥
          Thank you again for all of the support ❥
          ∞ abby


Elllooooo mates. Abby here. Ok so today Maddie and I met this author, RJ Tolson, and the dude is insane. He's in college, he published one book, founded a charity, modeled, and speaks 6 different languages. It was pretty impressive. HE STARTED ON WATTPAD. Maddie and I were sitting next to each other and we just looked at each other. Then he proceeded to tell us how he's like best friends with Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and HARRY STYLES. Maddie almost fell off her chair, leaving me to stabilize her. Then we were like "his outfit looks like something Harry would wear" at the time he was sitting down. Then he got up and walked around and I was just like "MADELINE LOOK AT THE SHOES" He's this girl my grade's cousin so I was walking to my locker at the end of the day when this girl in 7th grade just goes "Vanessa do you like have Harry Styles's number?" And I was just like YOU IDIOT. Also my friend told me that he told her Ed Sheeran is going to be on his album. Yeah did I mention his album's coming out in like August? Yep so when she told me I almost freaked out. People would getting his autograph and stuff. Yeah so that was cool I guess, but were working on itm, but were both super busy so IM SORRY!!!
          Love you xx
          Abs ❤


OMG DID ANYONE ELSE SEE DANCING WITH THE STARS? Omg I died. Aly Raisman, who in case you don't know, we based Aly in ITM on and we cast her as Aly, danced to live while we're young so I ran around my house screaming (legit) and my mom was on the phone with my dad (he's on a business trip - he always is) and kept asking if he heard me. They kept asking what was wrong with me and I wasn't going to explain. Then my mom asked if she was Harry's new girlfriend and I was like 'i wish' and I think I may have confused her just a bit. 
          Anyways sorry we haven't updated. Tomorrow we might not have school cuz we both live in CT and go to the same school and its snowing AGAIN. Tomorrow supposed to be the last standardized test (we've been taking them for the past two weeks.  They are a pain in the arse) but its science from as far back as 6th grade and I'm just like I DON'T REMEMBER THAT! And our teacher hasn't really gone over anything. Wow this is long sorry. Congrats if you're still reading. I'm bored therefore I rant. So my friend tried to tell me Payzer broke up (you may or may not know both me and Maddie are HUGE Payzer shippers) and thus I had to get out all my pictures and articles and tweets from the past week of Danielle and Liam (and Loki). And she was like 'wow you should get that law degree' (I want to be an agent when I grow up and get a law degree) well I think that is all. Wait nope. Today my dance teacher put this swing thing in our dance where two girls pick me up by my arms and legs and swing me back and forth then let go so I fly through the air and land on my feet and this is lyrical people. Well it's midnight now. GOODNIGHT
          xx ABBY %u2764


Sorry we haven't updated in a while! We've both been super busy lately. We have these standardized tests and we're getting a lot of homework. Plus, we have dance, gymnastics, religion, babysitting, and a lot of other stuff. We're up to 753 reads and 17 votes! Thank you so much!! Love you guys!
          xx a