Hey my readers. Happy New Year. I strongly hope that all of my readers and all of my writers have already started the new year with a bang. As you should. I deeply apologize, for not writing in such a long while. After my fall semester ended and... now that I'm still enjoying my winter break off from college, I've been studying languages such a French, Italian and Spanish almost every day to make educational and academical progress, given, that I am language major as well as an English major, in college. I strive to study harder and even more harder to the limit, until I get nothin' but A's and B's. This explains why, I haven't uploaded and why, I have not been writing and keeping up with book 2 of my kingly, royal series. I will be writing today. though. But I can't promise when I'll upload again, given, that I've got two, long chapters to write, in the middle of book 2. Again, to all of my writers and readers, I strongly hope that you're having a blessed, happy New Year. And if you have any brand new year resolutions like me, achieve them and reach for the stars.