
I just wanna say I’m sorry for being such a bad person back then, my mind was closed off by unidentifiable trauma and I am DISGUSTED with the person I was before I opened my mind and my heart to the problems around me.


Positivity chain! 
          Say 5 nice things about yourself then spread it to 10 followers! 


            i. I like how passionate i am about the things i love.
            ii. i like how i am unapologetically myself.
            ii. my mind is my favorite thing about myself, i see things differently than others and i wouldn't have it any other way.
            iv. my eyes are my favorite facial feature. I don't get a lot of compliments on them, but i think they're more of a subtle beauty than a striking one.
            v. i have a very uncommon music taste and i love it. i've talked to many people about music and 9 times out of 10, they've never heard of my favorite songs.


Opinions on Calums hair?


@calumsxrings fuckin cute or whatever