" ... What if we find a really nice , relaxed one . One that could keep to itself . " she was immediately less hopeful sounding , but not going to take an automatic no .
The tall blonde looked to the other. His face was hard to read. He knew how to keep his thoughts concealed.
“Watch it.”
His tone however was sharp as he dusted off his robes.
“These robes are new. And I don’t need others…filth on them.”
She couldn’t help but burst into laughter at what he said. “Ohhhh my god…” their cheeks turned pink as she laughed, shaking her head,”you’re so… weird.”
Raising his head high the blonde scowled at the other.
“The ground I walk on worships me. Its those who get in my way are filth. So choose your place wisely..”
“Wow. Someone’s getting a little defensive…” their voice was sing-songy, her hand going to their wand, just in case. “Are you not worried about your robes touching the floor? That’s where the filth is.”