
@lolliworld2003 shhhhhhh. Rome wasn't built in a day. I understand your pain, but writing a book isn't just that easy. There's a lot of thought and editing that goes in it. I can't wait for it to be updated, I'm taking it a day at a time ^_^


thanks so much for adding my book to your reading list, and i hope you do read it again! :D ps- i love your username :) x


@starfromouterspace  you're lovely! i love your book, i just need to make time to read the second one, which i am excited to read. i am not going to lie, i fangirled a little bit when you followed me. thank you by the way, i love yours too. keep writing. x


@standingonaprinciple alas I do not. I am sorry, life has been blurry. But I would LOVE to rp, I miss rping on here 


Dang ;-; i feel like i too have been gone for far too long.You were amongst one of my first few friends online cx but anywhose,im anon-or it is what i go by from now on. 
            I know i personally just got back into the midst of rping.Well shoot me a message and i can refer you to some good ones,or maybe just 1x1?-though i find those hard to do...