I haven’t wrote anything in a hot minute. And I know that my account has been hella inactive. But I’m back with a new story. I will try to update everyday, or every other day. I hope you enjoy my new Renga fanfic. ~Saturn
School is Gross as always. I don’t technically have an alligator for a teacher, but with their personality they might as well be one. And yes it is hot and humid and sweaty here and I have to walk to school so it’s lovely. From a former North Dakotin, ~Saturn
@saturn_atakan School in Florida must be gross. Do you have alligators for teachers? Is it sweaty and humid? All the ND love, ~Bayne
Naples is ok so far. I have yet to go to the wizarding world as I have been busy unpacking, painting, and going to school. I miss all of you at home dearly. ~Saturn