i stay talking about staying single but let a nupe smile at me, it’s over

apple music or spotify

wattpad is gon piss me off w these ads

NO FR ITS LIKE one of them apps where they just be updating just to update they be doing the most. Just adding different unnecessary random sh*t out of nowhere.

@notsekani don’t even get me started on that!! it’s so zoning. like why am i exiting 30+ times in 20 minutes just trying to read. they wanna be different so bad

angels in the bed with all white covers

i came back to say … i thought i was safe .. but i am intrigued by jack harlow

thank u guys for supporting me during my time in here. my heart isn’t in watty anymore. i spend a lot of time on tumblr where i feel more comfortable with sharing my writing, where there aren’t boundaries to what i write. if u wanna stay in contact or still follow along with me on my writing journey, u can follow my tumblr— @saturnville <3333 . i’ll still hop on every once and while to say hello, so i won’t say bye, but see y’all later!

don’t allow votes, comments, and reads make you doubt your ability as a creator. your art is marvelous, regardless of who sees it or who doesn’t.

black lives matter in nigeria too. #ENDSARS and get in touch w news broadcastings and let them know what’s going on. cameras, lights, etc have been shut off in nigeria to keep things in the dark. speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves.

yea i can vouch for the black women who feel some type of way every time a non black person tries to hype them up on social media, because yes, you don’t know whether it’s genuine or for hype. people have built platforms on just talking ab black issues and black lives and black beauty, that you do not know if they’re being genuine in their compliments or just fishing for likes. so pardon me if i don’t think every non black man/woman/person likes black women as a whole (yes i mean the ones of all shades), simply bc they made a video singing the words to freaking element. i’ve literally lost all hope in thinking i’d find a genuine partner one of these days (though it is all up to God at the end of the day) because apparently black women are just toys to play with, amongst our on race and amongst others. i’m tired of it.

All of this !!! I feel this on so many levels but I’ve lost hope and motivation to even express it. It’s even worse when you have parents who don’t understand

@hackerish ! when non black men get praise or get called 'spicy' bc they say 'they don't discriminate'. when , even with darkskin black men, rank black women by the color of their skin, and I just have to hope that the one i like isn't one of them, is so tiring.