
here’s my new story! it’s not necessarily about being pro life or pro choice. it’s not even about abortion. it’s just about a teenage girl who needs love and acceptance and to be seen for who SHE is, not just as a pregnant teen. i hope you’ll consider reading! updates are being made daily (:


I’m really annoyed by all the posts on everyone’s message boards. I have my notifications off for it, yet I still get them. I know other people are dealing with this too. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve had to unfollow people I actually like, simply because I was tired of seeing their message board updates. Sorry to anyone I unfollowed because of this! But seriously Wattpad, FIX WHATEVER THIS IS!!


@savanah_leah just delete Wattpad and reinstall it. Easy peasy.


@Dianne_R I know! I don’t know why it’s happening and won’t go away. Most of the time, I’m not even reading their books, so why do I need to know about their updates?


I have it too, sometimes even from people I'm not following ‍♀️


I am going to temporarily unpublish my story “7 Days” so that I can do some constructive editing. Don’t worry, it will be back very soon! I just want to change a few things. Also, I have some big news concerning that story...
          I am turning it into a series!!!
          I’m so excited (if you couldn’t tell). The other stories will have all new characters, but be in the same setting with the same camp and leaders. I can’t wait for you to read it!


yay you go girl