
Hey guys!
          	I haven’t updated anything the past few weeks because I’ve been overwhelmed with school work (hopefully just one more year till I graduate!). I’m going to update the schedule for “Moonlight Love” and I’m trying to work on “Past Time” too so that I can start working on the siren crossover. Much love to y’all!


Hey guys!
          I haven’t updated anything the past few weeks because I’ve been overwhelmed with school work (hopefully just one more year till I graduate!). I’m going to update the schedule for “Moonlight Love” and I’m trying to work on “Past Time” too so that I can start working on the siren crossover. Much love to y’all!


While I'm in a bit of a rut, I started a new story! I've gotten into werewolf stories and was inspired by a game I played on the app "Choices". To my surprise, it inspired me to go out of my comfort zone and my creative juices just started flowing! Please take a moment to try out my new release of "Moonlight Love", chapters 1 & 2 are both out, with scheduled releases for chapters 3 (Jan. 19) and 4 (Jan. 21). :)


Hey y’all! First, in case you wondering, I am southern so I’m not just randomly throwing “y’all” around all willy-nilly lol that’s how I normally greet a group of people. Secondly, if you haven’t had a chance to read “cold to the touch” please do so, and let me know what your thoughts are! ❤️


It has been a YEAR since I really posted anything here! I've been busy with my son and school, but I'm glad to announce that I've added new chapters to "Cold to the Touch". While I've seen comments for more "Past Time", I've sadly had no inspiration for the story, and need to think about where it's headed. I hope you guys have been doing good!


I am back, kinda! I have just revised a bit of Cold To The Touch, so be sure to give it a re-read, though you may not notice any big changes until the end of the book. Which reminds me, it is no longer fully completed! That's right since I have made some big changes, that means more chapters will be coming soon! I hope y'all enjoy :)


Hey, y'all!
          So, in case you haven't noticed. 'Blood Moon' has gone through a lot of changes. First, it's no longer Blood Moon, but now 'Beyond Dusk. It now has a new cover, which I hope y'all like (it's nothing really special). And I no longer have two versions, there is only one, which I am sticking to this time! I have been in a real groove with 'Beyond Dusk', I know where it's headed, as well as another idea that I'm really excited for if my plans follow through. Have a great day :)


Hey, y'all! I wonder how many of you are tired of hearing that? Anyways, I hope some of y'all have noticed, as it's something I'm proud of, that I've been publishing chapters often of 'Blood Moon'! Yes, yes, I took the original work of it down, only because the new one is something that I have plans for and I know how I want it to end. Anyways, if you haven't been keeping up with 'Blood Moon', please do (if you want to, that goes for all the stuff I write) and try browsing through some of my other works if you haven't had the chance yet! Have a good day :)