


Finished Noah's Story for PASSENGERS, now prewriting Dante's story. 
          PASSENGERS is a book that takes place in the American States when the country has become a place where fatal accidents are the most common thing amongst it. Three people that should be dead, Noah, Dante, and Kara / Kayla, somehow survive their accidents. Of course, how they survive is anything but normal.


After 9,000 words of prewrites, I've finally managed to possibly start working on the A1 Prologue. There are still a few holes I need to fill in on that way, but I wanna see how this might play out before I start going back to working on things involved with the book itself.


I remember everything. 
          I remember leaving him. 
          I remember going with her. 
          I remember being with him. 
          Him and me, alone. 
          I remember running from him. 
          I remember leaving them. 
          And I remember death. 
          He killed me. 
          I despise him for it. 
          While the others,
          they praise him. 
          - Kayla to Zayne J. 
          Poor Kayla DX