hi :) i wanted to just put this out again for people who didn’t see it last time, my old book (first one) are from when i was like 12? i barley knew how to write a story lol as much as fully edit it properly. if the story doesn’t make sense, or has a lot of grammatical errors please don’t comment asking about it; nor messaging asking what i mean. i forget half the things i write, and for a fact don’t remember anything i wrote in the first book. this is just for fun, im not actually going to send this to a famous author and ask for publication, i do this for my own pleasure and hope people like you all enjoy my writing (even if they make no sense). this isn’t meant to be rude or aggressive it gets bothersome when i see people asking constantly what i mean, or comment about my writing in a negative formality. anyways hope you all are well and continue being amazing !!