


OMG!!!! Worst day of school ever, actually i think i've had worst. Anyway this is how my day went. I was walking down the hallway when I didnt see Amber or her group of dumbos!!!! I was soooo happy, i might actally have a good day at school! In first period i heard roumors of them skipping school with there stupid boyfriends. But i could care less as long as there not here. I was having a great day with Andrea (the girl i met in the bathroom). We we actually both happy about Amber not being there and was going on about our day. Then all of the sudden, at lunch Amber and her ugly dumb friends came storming up to us. This is what happened
           Amber: you snitch!
           Me: what are you talkin' about
           Amber: you know what u did but becuase u r so stupid i will tell you what u told the pricible that we were skipping school!
           Me: no why would i do that i dont give a crap about you!
           I shouldnt of have said that becuase before i knew it i was head to toe in what looked like spagetti, mashed patatoes, mangos, and milk. U looked over at Andrea.....she had food all over her to. That you-know-what dumoed her tray on me and Andrea. We both ran to the bathroom one, to cry and two, to wash away all the food stains and milk out of our clothes and hair. I am sick of amber!!! I just want to punch her and all her friends in the face and stomack. I would go on with my diobolic plans but myhand hurts ALOT so im ganna stop
                -Abby. Not ganna say my last name i hate it