Chapter 2 is up! I just want to say a massive thank you to the girls that helped me, and taught me the ropes.. you guys know who you are! :) Anyways, I have read a lot of sad fanfics, and they make me depressed.. so thats why mine is all corny and lovey. Well check it out and leave me some feedback. Thank you lovelys. <3
@say_directioner thanks for saying mine were good :) My friends made two of them: @CrazyForYou92 made my bromance one and @KaytBase made the one for If You Only Knew :)
I made all my other ones, and what I use depends on which computer I'm on. If I'm on my mac, I use pixlr. It's one that's right on your browser that you don't have to download :)
If I'm on my Windows, I use That, you do have to download :)
I can't deal with regular paint, it stresses me out :S haha xx
All your guys' covers to your stories are fantastic. does anyone wanna help me out on how to make a sweet cover? or like what program you guys use.. remember im new! thanksss. :)
@soph_luvs_1D I got to chapter two and I lovedddd it. I wanna finish reading it tonight! And actually, I really have no idea how to make a cover, so I might actually have you do one.. if you still want to, that is. :)