
@Plain-and-Simple Oh! America is cool, I want to go there! Yes I will do my best (: do you like anime?


Hi Nya, nice to meet you! Thank you for following me. Tokyo is great, but it's rainy season so there's lots of rain. My English is okay I think. I speak a lot of English in school and I try to read novels here in English. Still, I wanna practice more :) Yoroshiku


はじめまして!ありがとう友達!私の名前はローレンです。中国と日本のハーフでアメリカン人です。三年前日本語を取り始めました。私は日本語があまり上手ではありません。少しの漢字を読みます。でも漢字は難しいです。夏休みは沖縄と東京に行きます。*waves* Thanx for the follow. Following you back. *clicks the follow button* Yay! Your first follower! That's cool you live in Tokyo, I'm going there for two days (first and last day of the trip) on my high school trip to Japan through the Kakehashi project, then 5 days in Okinawa for homestay. My Japanese is okay however I mostly just know vocab because to me Japanese grammar is difficult. I'm better at reading and listening and understanding what people are saying in Japanese then responding back. Let's become good friends! *giggle* >.<

