
Keep an eye out for a new story I’ll start posting January 1st! It’s the first story I wrote with one of my friends AND the first story we’ve finish before it even begins being uploaded - no more waiting forever for updates (sorry for all those reading my other stories!). Here’s the blurb:
          	THE XYLA NASH CHRONICLES: Red Light Ruby
          	The Siren has called. The players have answered. The Scavenge has begun.
          	Madison “Anastasia” Wheetly, joined by her entourage of hired help, and Chad “Chadley” Bronson, joined by Butler, are the two players in Pirate’s newest Scavenge, a high risk-high reward hunt for stolen treasure in Shanghai. One player trying to become the next princess of Russia, the other trying to gain respect from his snobbish peers, the two players are willing to go to any ends to claim their prize.
          	Xyla Nash, on the other hand, was coming to Shanghai for a relaxing vacation with friends, a break from her myriad of jobs. Well, and to help an old friend by performing an open heart surgery. She wasn’t prepared for Pirate’s newest Scavenge, which she didn’t even remember was happening until she picked up some freelance fashion writing for Shanghai Fashion Week. She knows that she could ignore Siren’s call to the treasure hunt, but Xyla isn’t one to back down from righting a wrong, especially where Pirate’s thievery is involved.
          	Three players, three motives, in a race against time. Only one can win. Who will it be? And what will it cost them?


Keep an eye out for a new story I’ll start posting January 1st! It’s the first story I wrote with one of my friends AND the first story we’ve finish before it even begins being uploaded - no more waiting forever for updates (sorry for all those reading my other stories!). Here’s the blurb:
          THE XYLA NASH CHRONICLES: Red Light Ruby
          The Siren has called. The players have answered. The Scavenge has begun.
          Madison “Anastasia” Wheetly, joined by her entourage of hired help, and Chad “Chadley” Bronson, joined by Butler, are the two players in Pirate’s newest Scavenge, a high risk-high reward hunt for stolen treasure in Shanghai. One player trying to become the next princess of Russia, the other trying to gain respect from his snobbish peers, the two players are willing to go to any ends to claim their prize.
          Xyla Nash, on the other hand, was coming to Shanghai for a relaxing vacation with friends, a break from her myriad of jobs. Well, and to help an old friend by performing an open heart surgery. She wasn’t prepared for Pirate’s newest Scavenge, which she didn’t even remember was happening until she picked up some freelance fashion writing for Shanghai Fashion Week. She knows that she could ignore Siren’s call to the treasure hunt, but Xyla isn’t one to back down from righting a wrong, especially where Pirate’s thievery is involved.
          Three players, three motives, in a race against time. Only one can win. Who will it be? And what will it cost them?


So, I was looking at other stories on your profile, and for one of them, someone's name is Amara. Something's going on here, because almost every other book I read has my name in it. I'm probably going to stay up all night reading your books because these are entrancing!


@AmaraJade18 Oh I do so hope you like them! I love votes and comments if that’s your sort of thing :) if not, I just appreciate your reads so much!


Hey, you're on We Heart It, right?? 
          I just read the first chapter of your story "Charmed" and I really liked it! I just randomly searched for your username on Wattpad and was so thrilled when I actually found it!! 


@sborek And thank you for following me! 


Yep that’s me! Thank you so much for the follow :) I’m having a lot of fun writing “Charmed” and world building so I’m glad you like it 


I'm so glad I was able to help you improve and that you still use it :) and I'll try to update soon, just for you ;) 
          And you're welcome, those are some cool story ideas, I'd take one but as you can see I have my hands full with my ideas already