Hey everyone!
If you’ve been following my journey through fiction, you may have noticed that some of my stories share certain touchpoints – whether it’s a name or place or theme – they have things in common that you can point too and say, “Hey I recognize that thing, it’s in common with another thing.”
If you’ve noticed this, then perfect, it means you’re reading way too much of my writing, it also means you might be interested in my new project.
I call it Inside Fiction, and it’s where I’m going to tie all these worlds I’ve been tinkering with together into an Interactive Narrative Experience ™!
There will be stories and podcasts and pretty pictures, and if I get things right, you’ll eventually have the chance to help shape it all.
I’ve already taken the first shaky steps in this direction, and you can look at them http://insidefictions.com/
There is a lot more to come, and I hope that you join me.