
hey, if anyone has nintendo switch online and pokemon sword/shield and or animal crossing new horizons, send me your dodo code or lets trade or something. im really bored :|


I have to do this for online school but eh...
's not so bad...
          So this insane spring break, I've been pretty much playing Animal Crossing New Horizons and crying over Steven Universe Future, because that's some crazy stuff... y'know... 
          ...trying to avoid getting sick and depressed over the coronavirus...
          But that's okay I don't have to be sad I don't have to go to school and get bullied so that's good.
          So ummmm... right 5 things that changed since the crazy stuff.
          1. I have to learn stuff online and its weird because I finish by like
          And usually I get out at like 3:30 so that's weird.
          2. Food. I don't get to constantly stuff my face full of food anymore, food's a limited edition thing I guess rip.
          3. We don't see people other than each other now. I saw David maybe at the beginning of spring break and Shelbi today but that's been it, other than, like, a Marco's Pizza guy. I don't even get to see my grandparents, my aunt and uncles, or my cousins, even though every weekend we do that. It's weird.
          4. I'm glued to a screen almost all the time. Usually I actually go outside and, y'know, do stuff?? But now I'm always inside on this laptop or playing Animal Crossing on my Switch.
          5. I'm barely exercising. I'm exercising again due to my Tennis teacher but I seriously exercised for the first time in like 2 weeks yesterday. I have to do more now but I'm so sore I wanna dieeeeeee...
          So that's the school assignment hope it suffices and I really hope I was allowed to, uh, do this here, otherwise I'm gonna throw a fit an then probably just delete this post after copying and pasting... lol.