
For those who are reading my stories, thank you so mich for your support. Sometimes they are crappy but you still read them, and I'm very grateful for that.
          	Thanks again everyone.


Your story... "I Hear Your Voice"... Made me so emotional. HOW COULD YOU!? Kidding, I love it. And I commend your writing. This is, by far, the best Kiyoshi Teppei story, tho I'm kinda clouded if she is going to be with Teppei in the end. Keep me guessing. Kudos!


@labeaudapest oh thank you so much for your message. I really appreciate it. I will.make sure to give you and everyone the best ending for this. (I hope so, OMG pressure much. Hahaha) 
            I will do my best. Thank you again for reading "I hear your voice."


@fyra0087 thank you. I am so inspired by everybody's comments. Thanks a lot.