Just started reading your 'The Uchihas' book today and I've been hooked. It's been a long time since I've actually been stuck on one book so thank you! I love how it has so much mystery with the character's back stories with one another but not written overly complicated that leave the reader completely confused; or not just bluntly explained in some sort of character description chapter or paragraph. Sorry for the rambling, but I've thoroughly enjoyed it so far and I'm still in single digits so I can't wait for more! Though, while it isn't important to the story I have been curious how the characters ages match up in the story. Like Sasuke and (Y/N) being a year apart is explained but like what about her and Itachi? Just trying to get an idea of what parts of life some of the events are taking place.
Anyways, keep up the good work!! And hope all is well ^^