
You guys I am seriously struggling. I read a book about a year ago. It was like a mystery romance. Basically, the female cop (yes i forgot the characters names) almost ran over this wounded man in the middle of the road on a stormy night. she winds up taking him to her home and patches him up all the while debating about whether or not to call the cops. He reveals that he is law enforcement ( I can't remember what kind) and that he is being framed by rogue law enforcement officers. I think she sneaks him across the canadian border back into the states. and then they hide out while they try to figure out what's going on. I really want to find this book and purchase it. It somehow managed to disappear from my library and I cannot find it anywhere. HELP


Hey, I've been a long time fan of your book under an Alaskan moon and read it and fell in love with it for the first time on wattpad, and I bought a paperback copy when I found it published (congratulations by the way you must be so proud ❤️). I have noticed though that the story is a little different from the original you posted on wattpad years ago and I was wondering if that version existed anywhere? I loved the original plot progression and I was wondering if you're selling the original version anywhere? 


Hey.. Wanted to know if you'll ever update Hearts desire? I love the book.. I hate reading unfinished books and now I regret it. Coz its nice and now you won't update. 
          Just sking will you ever update or you've left it?? 


I try to never read unfinished books because I hate waiting. I broke my rule to read hometown boy and now I'm frustrated that I did because its been over a year since you updated. I NEED more. Please oh please finish it.


Actually working on publishing the whole thing to Amazon kindle ! Should be coming out sometime in November hopefully! I will update you guys soon! 