
guys.... im so sorry about the massive spelling mistakes ever i made the account. i have recently showed my work to my friends on tumblr  and they said it was just words and that it made no sense. so now i have looked up basic spelling tutorials for 2nd graders and it helped so much!! and no im not in 2nd grade!!! my mom just never sent me to school.... sorry!!! i was homeschooled.... technically. she kind of just told me to look up math things and act like im studying when a truant officer comes. they gave up eventually and i just stopped lol. anyways sorry for the rambling!!! new story SOON with BETTER SPELLING THAN EVER!!! (spell check btw)


guys.... im so sorry about the massive spelling mistakes ever i made the account. i have recently showed my work to my friends on tumblr  and they said it was just words and that it made no sense. so now i have looked up basic spelling tutorials for 2nd graders and it helped so much!! and no im not in 2nd grade!!! my mom just never sent me to school.... sorry!!! i was homeschooled.... technically. she kind of just told me to look up math things and act like im studying when a truant officer comes. they gave up eventually and i just stopped lol. anyways sorry for the rambling!!! new story SOON with BETTER SPELLING THAN EVER!!! (spell check btw)


guys...................... today i apologize. my action tword gay people is unexcepauble. i apo,igie for being home of ohbic and now i realiuze thatg gay people ar cool and that i did npt realize how in senistv i was i am so so so so s sorry it willnjt happen again so sorry again gay people are cool and i will be including them in my NEW STORY!! you heerd me... NEW!!! ut will be inanimateinsanity. therest is secret.... hehehe


oh ny god guys i justfound out about inaniate insanity and this is insane (pun extended) i live this it resonantes with my sole <33


i kin taco i lpvbe british people their culture is so unique pip pip cheerio beans on toast innit long liv the KING!!!!!!!! (rest in piece queen lizzy bizzy) omg guys did i just type that sorry my brith img quirky!!!!!!!!


my new x reader story hasnt reached 1 milion read s yet.......... i was expecting mroe of you gusy......... i thout you loved me.......... im not too upset tho i mean your only used ti tr; stan v dot dso i under stand ily all..................... i just hope you love me back.... heart brake emoji


My mom is doing horrible right now send prayers or something <33 anyways onto the important stuff sorry for depriving you of my wonderful story my dad says I can’t be on my phone while costing my mom,,, she’s in a coma at the moment so idk why it matters she can’t see me lol anyways the hospital is bad and I hated my mom anyways idk why m dad is crying if they fought every 7 minutes my grandma is driving me home and I’m scared cuz my grandma lives 5 states over and had her drivers license trevoked over 10 years ago pray for me not my mom xoxo