
Wow. It's been a while since I've been on here. I don't think I've told you guys yet that I have been officially published in not one but TWO anthologies. 
          	First, there's Above and Beneath: The World of Angels and Demons which was created right here on wattpad andcan now be found on Amazon. I wrote To Die For in that anthology under my pen name, K.S. Valentine. 
          	Second, I wrote a letter for an anthology called Dear Heartbreak by Heather Demetrios. My letter is anonymous in this book but it is the very last one of the book and was responded to by the INCREDIBLY talented Gayle Forman. That's right guys. Gayle Forman and I are practically besties now  kidding. But seriously, she did respond to my letter and it was an amazing response so I highly recommend you check it out. 
          	Anyway, that's all for now. I'm currently working on another book so maybe, possibly, I might get a publishing contract in 2019. But we'll see. There's no rush. Let me know how your 2018 went though and what you're most excited for in 2019!


The cover for Warning and your profile pic is beautiful!


@grabthemonets also you might already know but I just figured I would let you know if you didn’t but this is @ksvalentineauthor from instagram!


Thanks! I think I just found it on Pinterest 


Wow. It's been a while since I've been on here. I don't think I've told you guys yet that I have been officially published in not one but TWO anthologies. 
          First, there's Above and Beneath: The World of Angels and Demons which was created right here on wattpad andcan now be found on Amazon. I wrote To Die For in that anthology under my pen name, K.S. Valentine. 
          Second, I wrote a letter for an anthology called Dear Heartbreak by Heather Demetrios. My letter is anonymous in this book but it is the very last one of the book and was responded to by the INCREDIBLY talented Gayle Forman. That's right guys. Gayle Forman and I are practically besties now  kidding. But seriously, she did respond to my letter and it was an amazing response so I highly recommend you check it out. 
          Anyway, that's all for now. I'm currently working on another book so maybe, possibly, I might get a publishing contract in 2019. But we'll see. There's no rush. Let me know how your 2018 went though and what you're most excited for in 2019!


The complete edited version of Part 1 of Dark Crown has officially been posted! I cut nearly 10,000 words and made the reading a lot smoother so it should be a much better read. It is edited, it is clean, and it is shorter so I would really appreciate it if you checked it out!


Oh, and I also changed the country names. I like them a lot more now.


Hey, you know that person from YoungWriter'sSociety, Winged067? Yeah, hi, that's me.


@ShatteredGold221 I'm doing good as well! I'm really excited now though cause the Wattys just opened and I'm planning to enter this year! :D


 I'm doing pretty good, pretty good. How are you?


@ShatteredGold221 Hey! How are you doing?


y o h u m a n


@KaraRStevens Haha! Yeah it was a cool song. I liked the style :D


Y O H U M A N give me your soul


@KaraRStevens I don't even know what I'm trying to say anymore. Lol


On my screen it looks like just like an x on one line and a D on the other line
            What are you trying to say  lmao @scarlettvee


There, NOW I'm laughing XD


I just found another writing website and I can say, everyone should go make an account there. It's called Young Writer's Society and they make you "pay money" to publish a chapter but the way to earn that money is through reviewing other people's chapters, and it's a great way to get users reading each other's work! So go make an account there. Go do it. Now.


@Victoriarosefly it is sooooo worth it i'm on it too!! It's great :)


@Victoriarosefly dangit, I just realized I tagged myself, but I replied to you above^ haha


@scarlettvee no, it's not real money. It's points that you earn by reviewing other people's chapters! It's really awesome and you should definitely check it out! Let me know if you make an account so I can follow you there. 


Exciting news! I am getting not one but two short stories published in anthologies this year!!! One anthology should be coming out in July or August, and the second Anthology is coming out December 18, 2018 so be on the lookout! I'll send more messages as the dates for the releases of the books comes closer!