Okay so I know I said that I would start working on the stories and getting them finish! But I really do mean it this time! I am getting my computer fix and then I will be writing as much as I possibly can in my free time! I really want to finish Skittles, Teenage Parents, OH! and Cheaters first and then I will finish Forever Cursed to Be Apart!
Side note! I changed part of STPOAC. The part where Phillip and Greg take Esme to the carnival has been changed. You dont have to go back and read it but if you want to and tell me what you think of it now that would be cool. Also I have relized that I really need to go threw and edit it! OH MY is there just some unnessissary swearing and junk that just doesn't make sense! I will not be changing anything major!!! Please note the you DO NOT need to go back and read things because I changed too much! It will just be simple editing!
Well I hope that I will be on here much more often and that you will hear from me soon!!!