Hello, I have a question. Can I take inspiration from Your book, ,,Usless and Careless"? Book will be written in Polish language, and I will give Your profile, as where I take inspiration for book.
Reading List
Hello, I have a question. Can I take inspiration from Your book, ,,Usless and Careless"? Book will be written in Polish language, and I will give Your profile, as where I take inspiration for book.
Sooooo….a person below me actually already did something similar but I’m also leaving wattpad so, like the person below I wanna say how much I really cared for your works and how you wrote, you were one of the people to inspire me to maybe write someday(I’m going through old notifications to erase some old embarrassing comments I made and I found one of something I commented on yours) I remember being so happy when you would write something(: Anyway i just came here to say thank you, and bye I guess.
I just wanted to come here and say that I've always admired your writing and looked forward to it whenever it updated. I had left Wattpad for some time and unfollowed a lot of people. I absolutely refused to unfollow you though, it didn't feel right. And now I'm striving to read all your books again a second time. I've come to recognize your username and pfp as something of a Wattpad celebrity almost, even if it's not true. You actually inspired me to start writing online and it's been amazing, even if I don't write on Wattpad. I just wanted to thank you for spending so much time into your stories and taking a very well deserved break.
Hello everyone- I know I am constantly saying I will start updating stories and what not but life just seems to be kicking my ass right now. I'm not in a good place mentally right now, there are current issues going on bewtween me and my parents, and school is getting in the way. In short, I do not have much free time on my hands. Maybe if things start to get better I will try to say I can update, but as of now, I do not know. I apologize for the inconvenience.
@scatteredyellowbirds stay safe and healthy for all I care. There is plenty of authors like us that are in the same situation
I've moved finally and am now in Atlanta how swag it's so cold here
im cool
ok ok so I KNOW i said i’ll be more active but one, i’ve been sleeping so much and i don’t know why- i’ll go to sleep at 6pm and wake up at 1pm the next day and still be tired and i really down know why and TWO i’m going to be moving to a different state SOON (like next sunday i think?) and so i’ve been like packing my bags and trying to hang out with my family and friends before i leave (and also mentally preparing myself for the plane cause i’m ngl i’m scared of it) but yeah i’m just a little busy ALSO thanks for the name suggestions :0 i really liked some of them and wrote them down (i can say which one i choose if you guys like) also if you just wanna chat here’s my discord Mpho#9365 just tell me before if you want to add me (and tell me your user) because if you don’t i won’t accept
names that start with E or I? maybe Z?
Esme Elliot Emery Eli Evelyn Evan Emmett Ezra Elon Eka Elam Zeo Zariah Zephyr Ziv Zuni Zefir Zaccaria Zane Israel Imani Ivory Iva Idris Indigo Isa Indiana Ida
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