read my new fanfic you Negros
@scene_santa Dommy I wish you would answer me and I have reached out to you asking for an apology of some sort I pray for you every night Dommy also I might have thought your name was Donny Knotts so if you see that just know I was referring to you I hope you are succeeding in life and living a non racist life to your full potential and saying your verse in the play … making a change, an impact and this isn’t key words this is real Dommy you need to do something if you’re reading this I need you to make a change for the better, do something positive. Carpe Diem now I’m being annoying so I’m logging off forever ur never gonna see me again bye bye laugh out loud
@scene_santa Dommy Walls I was a fan of you, until I read this, I'm extremely disappointed in you and I'm unfollowing you/blocking you. This isn't you, Dommy... this isn't you.