
So I'm doing summer is and I ran the mile in 10 min 43 sec, at the end I twisted my ankle and now it is really swollen and I can't walk and I have to run the mile every day except for sat and Sun for the next MONTH


@schlei2740 hey yall! This is my new account. If you don't believe me message me and I can prove it!


So I'm doing summer is and I ran the mile in 10 min 43 sec, at the end I twisted my ankle and now it is really swollen and I can't walk and I have to run the mile every day except for sat and Sun for the next MONTH


@schlei2740 hey yall! This is my new account. If you don't believe me message me and I can prove it!


I understand that it is only June but I start 9th grade in August. Any suggestions for surviving high school?


1)  don’t be afraid to make friends 
            2). Take the work seriously or it’ll come back and bite you 
            3) don’t worry about what people think of you because most of the time people don’t carr


this message may be offensive
Omg, so it's like 9:00 pm rn but I had a panic attack earlier and I feel like shit now
          *a bit of background info, I'm a 14 year old female, and my bestie is a 14 year old male. We will call him rob. so I have had panic attacks in large crowds and other triggering thing since my bestie, we will call him Adam killed himself when we were the because he thought I was going to die because I had over dosed, (btw I'm better now) anyways back to today!* but like we were at school, me and rob, and the entire school had to go outside, that is a freaking 850 students! At first I was fine then after a little bit I stArt to get nervous and scratch my neck, Rob grabs my hand and holds it, trying to keep me grounded then we get separated by the time he found me I was on the ground crying and my neck was red from.scratching it to the point where it was bleeding and he sits down and hugs me, rocking me back and forth told me to count them just whispers in my ear, then he gets his first aid kit and help.where my neck was bleeding, after all this I was getting better, he kisses the corner of my mouth then goes to his bus...I'm not sure what to.think, I've never had a crush but he might be my first crush and he is the only person who had ever been able to help me through a panic attack. Any advice?


@schlei2740 He seems like a keeper. From personal experience, my best friend also kisses me and ive lost him once, im choosing to keep him close now. Just saying, Rob is such a keeper. <3


Seems like a keeper <3


Hey y'all I'm thinking about posting a third book of he the that one psychopath series and making where the entire series is one name and the books are each individually named so any suggestions for anything I will take


if you have any qustions please messge me on wattpad  i wont be on tick tock till atleast december ( im grounded this is on my cromebook)
          and please vote comment follow me suggest me to oters and find my ticktock account


Hey guys my tick tock account is bookworm101 if you guys can get me to:
          100 followers i will do a voice revile 
          200 followers and i will do a face revile
          500 followers i will try a diffrent social midea platform of a comenters choice 
          1000 followes than any  ticktocks you guys tag me in i will try