Hey guys! Just wanted to announce that NEXT TUESDAY THE 20TH OF SEPTEMBER AEST I will be posting the FINAL CHAPTER of Cinderella In Reverse!!!! I'm currently on a break due to exams and stuff (5 down, 1 to go next week~) so once that's all over GET EXCITED FOR THE LAST CHAPTER EVER!!!
Again, thankyou so much for all your support! Never in a million years did I think I would ever get such praise for such a dorky, cliche adorably hilarious thing that I threw together a year ago. So thankyou so much for motivating me to step out of my comfort zone and be creative.
PS: don't feel down - I will be posting an author's note after the final chapter so I can tie up some loose ends, ~announce some things~ and also ask for your opinion for something that I'd love to know. So be alert - if you havent already done so, put Cinderella in Reverse in your library and FOLLOW ME FOR COOL UPDATES ON FUTURE STUFF!!!!
Love you all,
schoolgirlcrush xx