
The last time I posted on my message board was almost 2 years ago...and so much has happened since then. I've gone off to finish high school and now my first year of university is over...but most importantly I have a lot to be thankful for because this happened.
          	Cinderella in Reverse has made it to over 40k views, almost 2k votes and has THREE STORY RANKINGS!!!
          	My first full-length Wattpad story has made it to #5 in #highschool (out of almost thirty-thousand stories!!!), #2 in #hatelove and #294 in the #romanticcomedy categories!!!
          	Words cannot describe how ecstatic I am right now. Truly. I am in complete and utter shock. I only just realised this now. I have no idea how long these rankings have been held for nor do I really know what to do with this information haha. 
          	There's no way I would've been able to get this far without everyone's support and I hope I can deliver better content to you guys sooner!!! I'm working on Clapperboard Kisses but it's going to need a lot more time and effort before it reaches you guys so thankyou for waiting and thankyou for supporting Cinderella in Reverse in the meantime!!!
          	Much love,
          	schoolgirlcrush xo


Keep on writing amazing books! 


The last time I posted on my message board was almost 2 years ago...and so much has happened since then. I've gone off to finish high school and now my first year of university is over...but most importantly I have a lot to be thankful for because this happened.
          Cinderella in Reverse has made it to over 40k views, almost 2k votes and has THREE STORY RANKINGS!!!
          My first full-length Wattpad story has made it to #5 in #highschool (out of almost thirty-thousand stories!!!), #2 in #hatelove and #294 in the #romanticcomedy categories!!!
          Words cannot describe how ecstatic I am right now. Truly. I am in complete and utter shock. I only just realised this now. I have no idea how long these rankings have been held for nor do I really know what to do with this information haha. 
          There's no way I would've been able to get this far without everyone's support and I hope I can deliver better content to you guys sooner!!! I'm working on Clapperboard Kisses but it's going to need a lot more time and effort before it reaches you guys so thankyou for waiting and thankyou for supporting Cinderella in Reverse in the meantime!!!
          Much love,
          schoolgirlcrush xo


Keep on writing amazing books! 


           #488 may not seem like a big deal for most people but the fact that it's an actual, recognisable rank that's on one of my stories is kinda really phenomenal; so again, thanks!!! :D :D keep up the support and maybe one day I'll make it to #1? :P
          Also if you've noticed on my profile you'll know that I was going to write a christmas one-shot for CiR, but however due to the lack of inspiration I will not be writing it. Don't despair: I do have another Christmas surprise in store - stay tuned ;)
          Happy holidays!


Eeepss!! I love Cinderella in Reverse to the point I only read it for 2 hours straight I think. I love the humor and also the romance in it. And also how realistic their decisions are. Ugh!! I haven't had the time to comment and vote and also read the an (sorry for that  ) because I was so into the story. I really like Finn's POV. I hope he had another in which it says how hurt he is everytime he lies to Soph. Thank you for publishing such a great story. TCA and More blessings to come. :)


@bubblechandream we'll have to wait and see!!! And aw thanks (again) so much ❤
            PS: the Philippines is awesome ☺


@bubblechandream Omg! You replied! I'm from Phil btw so English is not my mother tongue. Emergesh! I'm excited for that one shot!! Hoping to read that soon and see more of SoFinn!! And your book is worth of praising. :))) 


@bubblechandream YOOOOOOOO THANKYOU SO SO SO SO SO SO (x 4000000) MUCH!!!! I'm thrilled you liked it - honestly, you've made my day!
            I can't form words to properly show you how much I'm grateful for your feedback and support because I'm honestly just sitting on my bed grinning as I type this. You. Are. The. Bomb.
            The fact that you took the time to praise me like this makes me infinitely more grateful for your support.Thankyou so so so (x40000000) much!!! I hope to write more (maybe a CiR one-shot?) sometime in the future, so please look forward to that xxx
            Yours truly,
            schoolgirlcrush xx


Hi guys! Just updated the cover for Cinderella in Reverse! What do you think????
          This new look is to say thankyou for supporting the story! I've been getting a lot of notifications of people putting CiR in their reading lists which I am very grateful for! Thankyou thankyou thankyou for helping this story get to where it is today - (11k views?!?!!?!?! SCREAMING)
          If you'd like an update on my whereabouts (even if you didn't, here it is lol) I'm currently at school working bloody hard to get good grades but from time to time I'm working on my next story. So far I've written seven chapters :D :D I can't wait to keep writing :)
          bye for now,
          schoolgirlcrush x


I've posted my short-story 'First Place'! Please give it gracious support and check it out!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
          Also, OMG WE HIT 10K ON CINDERELLA IN REVERSE ❤️❤️❤️ thankyou guys so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!! No way in hell did I think it would ever become this popular - thanks for loving the story ❤️
          I hope to be back soon for more,
          schoolgirlcrush xx


Hey guys! Just wanted to announce that NEXT TUESDAY THE 20TH OF SEPTEMBER AEST I will be posting the FINAL CHAPTER of Cinderella In Reverse!!!! I'm currently on a break due to exams and stuff (5 down, 1 to go next week~) so once that's all over GET EXCITED FOR THE LAST CHAPTER EVER!!! 
          Again, thankyou so much for all your support! Never in a million years did I think I would ever get such praise for such a dorky, cliche adorably hilarious thing that I threw together a year ago. So thankyou so much for motivating me to step out of my comfort zone and be creative.
          PS: don't feel down - I will be posting an author's note after the final chapter so I can tie up some loose ends, ~announce some things~ and also ask for your opinion for something that I'd love to know. So be alert - if you havent already done so, put Cinderella in Reverse in your library and FOLLOW ME FOR COOL UPDATES ON FUTURE STUFF!!!!
          Love you all,
          schoolgirlcrush xx